- Condition: Hepatitis-C
- Age: 45
- Location: Palmer Lake, Colorado
I was a homeschooling wife and mother of 5 children when I was diagnosed with Hepatitis-C. At that time, the existing treatment for Hep-C was a poor choice for me, so my doctor advised that I wait for the new medicines that were in development.
Eight weeks after the birth of my 6th baby, during a test on my liver, I experienced complications that left me in the hospital for over a month. I was sent home in severe pain, on oxygen fighting for my life.
I jokingly say there has never been a better time to have Hepatitis-C. I was prescribed the new antivirals soon after they came out. I cannot convey the relief we all felt as we knew that these new medicines were going to kill the virus that was killing me. I was elated that the time had finally come to be treated.
My struggle gave me and my family a vision to serve others who are alone and sick. My family's life passion is to serve those with Liver Disease. We want to help people access life-saving medicines like the ones that saved my life.